Now I want to call people's attention to something on the sidebar: the list of "favorite soapbox posts". I didn't make this blog searchable until late September: posts before that time don't appear as thumbnails in my Link Within widget. Today the 'old' post that I most feel like pointing people's eyes toward: Authors of Each Other's Lives. It features the same old picture of my mother as does a newer post that does show up in Link Within -- but it's quite a different post. The thesis of that post: Most people don't write about others and submit them to journals or anthologies -- but we are all, in careless and not so careless ways, the authors of each other's lives.
"Netbook Attachment/ Beautiful in My Eyes" is one of the oldest entries that does show in that related post widget, and I'm glad that it appears as often as it does. I guess that means folks are reading it! But the blog post that I most want my friends to read, if they haven't already, is Riding a White Horse With A Toaster Oven. That post links to a Squidoo page with more in-depth writing on the same topic. There's a lot in there that... just wouldn't be likely to occur to folks on their own. Now I'm thinking of someone I met more than a decade ago (yup, more than a decade back!) and the things he didn't know when he made himself in not-so-careless ways the author of my life... When a person can only think up one reason for another's behavior, it doesn't of course mean there only is one reason -- it could simply mean they themselves are ignorant.
That line was rather snippy, wasn't it? I try not to write too many like that. I'm going to continue being the authors of other's lives, but I'll focus on those I do love, and I'll try to do it with care. Said The Moody Blues: Wherever you are, whatever you do, whatever you say: say, say, say it with love.