Seriously, though, I had commented in an earlier post that I wanted to bring back some infant/ childhood pictures to possibly take to a geneticist. I'd said I was interested in seeing, among other things, just how underdeveloped that nasal bridge had been. Photo details don't show as well scanned/reduced, but I located some things that grew the little spot of conviction in me.
Anyway, some stuff I look up online is kind of scary. Why then is it so important to me to pursue? I don't quite fancy the task of explaining. Ah, but what keeps playing in my head is a line from "A Place in This World": "Now I'm looking for a reason, roaming through the night to find..."
It's funny, I always thought the lyric sounded like "a face in this world". Well -- I sure have looked closely at a lot of little faces lately: studying online images as well as photo box archives (and niece's noses).