My cheeks look better curving outward than inward. It's not just cares that give the illusion of lessening. It's years, too, provided (and this is strictly between you and me, of course!) that I "wash that gray right out of my hair". Yep, I did say that... Some people freak out when they see the first gray hair. Not me -- because I was so young then. I had my first gray hair at age 8, and it's increased slowly ever since then, hitting critical mass -- becoming noticeable, I mean -- by about 30.
Despite the stray grays, I looked much less than my years through my teens and somewhat beyond. As for my thoughts and behavior -- well, sometimes they struck people as much older than my years, and other times as much younger. I think that a part of that is that I pretty much bypassed adolescence. We're all so much past adolescence now, and in my eyes that's a good thing.